【18-07-03】丁鹏飞-Current Computing Model for Fermilab Intensity Frontier Experiments and Moving from HPC to HTC in HEP experiments
作者:hxt        发布时间:2018-07-02        点击数:


报告时间:20187月3 10:30

报告地点:青岛校区N7 122报告厅



In this talk, I will present the current computing model for Fermilab Intensity Frontier experiments, including data acquisition systems, data management (storage, transfer and catalog), online/offline software architecture and computing infrastructures. In the later part of the talk, I will discuss the trend of moving from HTC (High-Throughput Computing) to HPC (High Performance Computing) in HEP experiments. I will use the application cases in the NOvA experiment as an illustration for most of the topics.



丁鹏飞,2009年毕业于中国科学技术大学少年班,2013年获得英国曼彻斯特大学粒子物理博士学位,之后供职于美国费米国家加速器实验室科学计算部门,从事基于加速器的中微子实验物理以及高性能计算的研究。主要研究经历为Tevatron正反质子对撞机上R 宇称破缺超对称中微子信号的寻找,电子末态的电弱过程精确测量,基于加速器的中微子实验上中微子截面的测量,以及中微子震荡的观测。目前主要参与NOvANuMI Off-Axis ne Appearance)和DUNE (Deep Underground Neutrino experiment)实验,以及美国能源部SciDAC-4Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing)项目,担任NOvA实验的数据获取系统负责人以及软件与计算机相关问题的联络人,同时也担任protoDUNE实验数据获取、监测、处理与传输系统总体试运行的协调人。