【20-10-29】魏树一:CGC Phenomenology and Hadron Structure
作者:        发布时间:2020-10-29        点击数:

报告题目:CGC Phenomenology and Hadron Structure

报 告 人:魏树一 博士(意大利 欧洲核物理理论研究中心)

邀 请 人:周剑



腾讯会议室(会议ID:115 393 863)



The CGC framework provides the description of dense parton density and predicts the gluon saturation phenomenon at small-x. In recent works, we have incorporated Sudakov resummation into the CGC framework to calculate the qT distribution of Z0-boson and the dijet/dihadron azimuthal angular correlation in forward pp and pA collisions.

CMS collaboration has reported large values of elliptic flow (v2) for J/ψ mesons and for D0 mesons in high multiplicity pA collisions, which hydrodynamics approach fails to reproduce. Recently, we have described the v2 of light hadrons, heavy quarkonia and open heavy mesons utilizing the CGC formalism. This indicates the large v2 in small collisional systems arises from the initial state effect and therefore cannot be interpreted as a signal of the appearance of QGP matter in pA collisions.


魏树一,2015年从山东大学获得博士学位,目前是欧洲核物理理论研究中心(ECT*)博士后。主要研究兴趣包括胶子饱和物理、重求和以及jet quenching。