【19-05-16】郭奉坤:X(3872) and triangle singularity
作者:        发布时间:2019-05-13        点击数:

报告题目:X(3872) and triangle singularity

  人:郭奉坤 研究员

:刘智青 教授

报告时间516 1400

报告地点:青岛校区N7 -122


Tens of resonant structures were observed in the charmonium mass region with unexpected properties. They are called XYZ states. The X(3872) is the first and among the most interesting ones. Its most mysterious property is that its mass coincides exactly with the threshold of a pair of charmed mesons with a small uncertainty of 180 keV. Lots of models have been proposed to explain it, and it is still under active debates. In this talk, I will introduce a novel method for measuring its mass with much higher accuracy using a concept called triangle singularity. The method may be applied to e+e- collisions, proton-antiproton collisions and any other experiments that can copiously produce D*0anti-D*0 pairs. New insights into the nature of the X(3872) are expected.


郭奉坤,中国科学院理论物理研究所研究员。2002年本科毕业于山东大学物理学系基地班,2007年在中科院高能物理研究所获得博士学位,随后在德国于利希研究中心以及波恩大学从事博士后研究工作,并担任德国DFG项目负责人。2015年回国加入理论物理研究所。主要从事强子谱、有效场论等方面的研究工作。迄今为止,在Rev. Mod. Phys., Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. D, Phys. Lett. B, JHEP, Eur. Phys. J. C等期刊发表学术论文近百篇,总引用近4000次。